Outgrowing My Imposter Syndrome
Last May, I published a story called Waking Up From Imposter Syndrome.
In it, I shared how I’d written something that I liked a lot and that it reminded me that I’m good at stuff, particularly writing. I wrote that writing makes my soul happy and feels like playtime.
Waking Up From Imposter Syndrome.
I find that imposter syndrome tends to ebb and flow. We don’t conquer our demons and then never have to deal with them again. It’s an ongoing process.
Our egos — our inner Gremlins — tend to sabotage us, especially when we’re doing well.
My Gremlins are asleep. (Shhhh.)
Without thinking about it or deliberately working on it, my imposter syndrome seems to have faded even more.
In the last several months, I’ve found new confidence and positivity.
Here are some reasons why I think that my imposter syndrome has faded.

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