Back again. Help Me Help You.
I admit – I sort of forgot about this website.
Yesterday I saw that my About page hadn’t been updated since March 2015. Today I discovered that my last blog post (at this site) was a year ago. A year goes by fast.
Recently, someone looking to hire me for Virtual Assistant work asked if I had a website. I realized, “Oh shit, that’s what this website was created to be.”
In March 2015 I wrote on the About page that while in B-School my intention was to:
1. Resurrect my social media/web coaching/writing business – that’s this site – with a limited number of clients. Watch for social media workshops in mid-2015.
2. Launch a new website and newsletter that will connect people will online health and wellness events.
#2 happened. I forgot about #1. B-School didn’t really work out for me, but I still stand by it as an excellent program. It works out for many – and you should totally check it out. I made some great connections. I think that I went into it with the wrong expectations and that I need to keep referencing it on my own time until I “get it”. Today I went back to the “list building” module because I’m stuck on getting more people on my list for #2. It inspired me.
Six months after starting B-School I enrolled in a health coaching program.
I’m in this “do or die”, “feast or famine” part of my life. I’ve had a rough go of it. I’m back and looking to land more VA clients and to start accepting health soon.
Tell me what you need.